K I T H & K I N T H E R A P Y

Roger and Joanna are Child and Family Psychotherapists working in the NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) and in private practice in Gloucestershire.

Kith and Kin has grown out of a collaboration of work that goes back over 25 years. 

Our work is inspired by innovative models of psychological development which meet the needs of this generation of children and young people.

We have taken a fresh approach to understanding the social and cultural challenges for children growing up in our modern world.

We are interested in the relationship between our minds; our bodies and our natural environment and recognise the value of an integrated model of therapeutic practice when working with children and young people.

Our wide range of experience and depth of understanding of child and adolescent difficulties means that we can offer creative and practical ideas to support parents, carers and teachers. 




I am a Child & Family Psychotherapist and have over 25 years’ experience of working therapeutically with young people with complex mental health needs both in an outdoor educational setting and more recently in the NHS. I currently work in private practice with children, young people and their families. My interest is in working closely with families to overcome some of the challenges they face and to make meaningful changes in their lives. 

I offer psychotherapy based on psychodynamic, developmental and systemic approaches and I am also trained in other modalities such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Mindfulness. I am a lecturer for the Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust on their Postgraduate Certificate in Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health and Wellbeing and a clinical supervisor on their MA in Psychological Therapies with Children, Young People and Families.




I am a Systemic Family Psychotherapist and the author of ‘Nature in Mind: Systemic Thinking and Imagination in Eco-psychology and Mental Health’. I currently work within the NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) and in private practice with young people and their families. I am also a clinical supervisor and offer systemic consultations to organisations.

I have been involved in nature-based practice for over 30 years and have developed a range of therapeutic educational programs in woodland and wilderness settings for adolescents with complex and challenging behaviour. I have also trained as a wilderness rites of passage guide with the School of Lost Borders and have led wilderness camps for both young people and adults. Alongside seeing clients, I look to create innovative ways of bringing experiential encounters with the natural world into mainstream education and psychotherapy practice.